YouTube Services

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YouTube Favorites

Read below before submitting an order!

Increase the exposure of a YouTube video with Socialmediavan's high quality and low cost YouTube favorites. All you need to do is submit a video URL and the number of favorites that you want delivered to the video in the boxes above. Socialmediavan's YouTube favorites generally start delivering within a couple hours and orders are guaranteed to start within 5 days when the link is submitted correctly.

*When placing an order above, please note that favorites can only be delivered to a video link and CANNOT be delivered to a channel or comment on a video

***Failure to submit the correct link will result in delays; therefore, start time cannot be guaranteed when the wrong link is entered.

*YouTube favorites can only be ordered to a public and unrestricted video that's over one (1) minute in length.

*Read the following guidelines to ensure your order is submitted correctly.

Order Guidelines

*Videos must be public, unrestricted and over 1 minute long.

*The account must also be public and unrestricted, not private.

*Order favorites in multiples of 100, no uneven numbers.

***Other order sizes will take longer to deliver.

*Always include https://www in the video link.

*Do not only submit a username or channel URL; an example of a video link is below:

Link ex.

*Do not use mobile links.

*Past orders on the same link must complete before submitting a new order.

Failure to follow these directions may result in longer than normal delivery times and repetitive offenses will lead to NO REFUND.

***Favorites generally start delivering within a couple of hours and are guaranteed to start within 5 days.

***Please note that large orders of favorites may longer than one (1) day to deliver.

If any issues with an order are experienced, please contact us through our 24/7 live chat!

*All orders are checked daily to ensure they have been started.

*Orders on this server are not refilled after a purchase.

*If your order has been refunded and you do not know why, contact us for more details. We are always here to help you out!

*Orders cannot be cancelled for any reason; therefore, if a wrong link format is submitted an order can get stuck for some time. We do not want this to happen so please submit your link correctly!

Your safety is our #1 priority!

*Feel safe knowing that Socialmediavan never accesses any YouTube account and understands the importance of your security and confidentiality.

More Info

*The number of favorites a YouTube video has is one of the first attributes it's judged by and is a cue that signals whether other videos in the account are of similar quality.

*Having more YouTube subscribers can also highlight a brand/business as a popular entity and make its feed more appealing to the eyes of potential customers and business partners.

*A large number of views and other engagement on a video increases the chance of it ranking higher on searches.

*YouTube's algorithm looks at many different variables when it comes to ranking videos, such as views, coments, likes, dislikes, timing of engagement, social referrers and more, so remember to use quality services to get the results you want.

*Contact us for more information about the other online solutions we have for your business and/or brand.
